Who knows who reads this blog anymore. I posted last September almost exactly to the day and found a few of you with some recent posts! How exciting! So, quick couple new things from a year ago. We bought a house...moved from one town to another in Iowa. Z started kindergarten. B is doing great...still NED, no more surgeries, just scans every 4 months for the next 3-5 years, most likely. We still go back and forth on trying for #2. I still get to stay at home...it's awesome! Z goes to school just blocks down the street so I can walk to and from school! The new house keeps us very busy. Z is also starting soccer, which will be new and exciting for us! Otherwise, it's fairly normal around here. Papa did move closer and Z has had lots of company now that we have room for friends and family to visit! So, that's what's new around around here! Hope to update again before Sept 2018!